Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let's get Spooked.

Let's talk about Halloween. I, for one, absolutely love this holiday. I've always loved dressing up and acting like someone I'm not (not just on Halloween, either)- but that is only part of it. One of my all time favorite flavors is pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin bars, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin candles... yes, yes, yes, yes & yes please. Also, talk about the BEST episodes of most TV shows-- the Halloween specials are almost always killer (No pun intended. The first time I actually wrote "...are always sweet."- which was even worse). Boy Meets World, The Simpsons, Home Improvement, Family Matters, The Fresh Prince and hundreds of other sitcoms all re-run some of their finest "spooky" episodes around Halloween.

I'm tossing around a few different ideas as what to dress up as at my concert on Halloween in PA. In fact, the guys and I may be doing some kind of theme. Working out the details. I promise to share photos.

Do you guys have any great costume ideas? Comment me with either what you're being this year, your best costume ever or the best costume you've ever seen!

Figuring out how to dress at cat like a barnyard owl,